traits_trend ( startDate = "", endDate = "", folderId = 12345 ) # Get traits trends for one SID aam. Examples: # Get traits trends for all SIDs in a folder aam. to_csv ( 'path/to/your_aam_output.csv' ) Coverage:Įvery standard API call for AAM can be found on Swagger EndpointĬustom reporting will be added according to roadmap. Python: import pandas as pd output = aam. If you're new to Python and want to output the results of an AAM API call, you can try something like the following: create_from_csv ( 'path/to/traits_to_create.csv' )

get_limits () # Create traits from csv aam. get_many ( ic = 'code', condense = True ) # Get trait limits of account aam. get_one ( sid = 12345 ) # Get traits by integration code and simplify resulting dataframe aam.
#Adobe aam update mac os x#
If you're using Mac OS X 10.7, Windows 7, or later and still have AAM on your computer, AAM automatically updates to the Creative Cloud desktop app when you download an app. get_many ( folderId = 12345, sortBy = 'createTime', descending = True ) # Get trait by sid aam. On older operating systems, these processes were handled by the Adobe Application Manager (AAM), which was replaced by the Creative Cloud desktop app. Python: # Get traits by folder and sort aam. If you are unable to perform an action supported by this package, the error is likely due to a permissions issue within the credentials setup. Your authentication token should be tied to a Product Profile, which controls the actions you can execute and the objects on which you can act. Login ( 'path/to/credentials.json', 'path/to/private.key' ) Once you have these documents, you can get install the package and login:

In a separate file, you also need generate a public/private key pair.Ĭredentials.json:

json document with the following credential details: client ID, client secret, tech account ID, and organization ID. To get started Generate a JWT Authentication using Adobe IO This is a Python wrapper for the Adobe Audience Manager API. Adobe Audience Manager - Python Extension